Welcome to our Blog-recently revamped to reflect the changes in our family. :) I'm thinking the new blog will focus on the adventures of our little family of three, with the star being of course, our little "Noah-Bean".

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First Purchases for Baby Baker

I couldn't resist making a couple of purchases today for Baby Baker. Don't worry; I didn't go totally overboard and start putting together a nursery or anything. I am realistic enough to know that there are quite a few unknowns yet about him/her. It's just been super fun to actually plan, knowing that it will happen for us; it's just a matter of time.

I found the EXACT Mother Goose book I had when I was a child and couldn't resist. ( I actually bought one for our nephew, too. We will be meeting Baby Harrigan this summer and can't wait!) I always loved this book and am hoping Baby Baker will, too.

I purchased another great book entitled "My Family, My Journey: A Memory Book". It is a baby book, specifically for adoptive families. For some reason, I can't load a picture of it here, but you can find it at Barnes and Noble or on Amazon. Its cool because it includes all those regular types of things you would expect to find in a baby book including pics and baby's firsts, but it also includes sections devoted to "what we know about your birth family" and "people who helped us find you". There's a neat section at the back where you can complete a family tree, one for our family and another for the birth family. There is also a pocket at the back to keep cards I have received from family and friends offering support and love through the process-glad I finally have a place to keep those. :)

1 comment:

  1. It is so natural to want to plan and make some purchases with baby Baker in mind! And books are a smart choice without worries of size or gender. Next, I would suggest Goodnight Moon!
