Welcome to our Blog-recently revamped to reflect the changes in our family. :) I'm thinking the new blog will focus on the adventures of our little family of three, with the star being of course, our little "Noah-Bean".

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No News isn't always Good News.

Love this pic of Cohan, and I think his facial expression is pretty accurate for the following post.
I warned you all that at times my posts would be my way of venting or expressing frustration. I guess today is that kind of day. We have heard nothing from our adoption agency or social worker in about two months-since our homestudy was approved. So, after going back and forth in my mind about wanting to get information but also not pestering our social worker, I decided to call her. (Considering that I think of Baby Baker almost every minute and literally jump anytime any of my phones ring in anticipation of "the call", I thought one contact every two months isn't too needy.) She responded quickly with an email explaining the following: "Admittedly things are on a slow wave right now and we anticipate things picking up in the near future. That's how adoption works. Hang in there..."

So, we wait...and wait...and wait. It's hard to wait, as everyone knows, especially for something you want more than anything you've ever wanted before. In other news, I'm quite the anxious wreck lately. I worry about everything and am prone to crying at any moment. I'm told that the emotional roller coaster of adoption is similar to pregnancy in that aspect. Wondering how much longer until I go "Raising Arizona"!!


  1. Maybe as social workers we tend to me more thoughtful/sensitive regarding making calls.......HOWEVER this completely does not apply to you. She's YOUR social worker, she's there for you, even if it's to send you an e-mail like she did at an attempt to alleviate even a smidgen of stress.
    You are amazing Mary- you and Robin. : )We love you both so very much. You guys are so brave and I appreciate you sharing your excitement and frustration with us. You are keeping it real and it's appreciated : )
    Can't wait to see you soon.
